Todays topic is
'Artificial intelligence' (AI).
1. Who created Artificial intelligence?
A further step towards the development of modern AI was the creation of The Logic Theorist. Designed by Minsky, Newell and Simon in 1955 it may be considered the first AI program. The person who finally coined the term artificial intelligence and is regarded as the father of AI is John McCarthy.
2. What is Artificial intelligence or AI?
The theory and development of computer systems thats able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
Subfield of artificial intelligence :
There are six important Subfield of AI.
1. Machine Learning
2. Neural Learning
3. Deep Learning
4. Cognitive Learning
5. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
6. Computer vision
Explanation of the Subfield :
1. Machine Learning :
Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems with the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the development of computer programs that can access data and use it learn for themselves.
2. Neural Learning :
A neural network may be described as a type of machine learning process that involves units that are interconnected like neurons and process data by responding to respective external inputs and relay this information between each unit. This process analyzes data multiple times to find associations and give meaning to such undefined data and thus is an integral part of Artificial Intelligence.
3. Deep Learning :
Deep learning is that part of artificial intelligence that applies large neural networks with multiple stages of processing units to compute complex data and learn intricate data patterns using enhanced computing techniques. Some simple applications of deep learning include image recognition and speech recognition.
4. Cognitive Learning :
Cognitive computing is another important part of Artificial Intelligence or AI to make human-like interactions with machines possible. Cognitive computing and artificial intelligence together strive to enable machines to simulate human-like behaviour and processing, like the capability to interpret speech or images and then give a logical response respectively.
5. Natural Language Processing (NLP) :
NLP or Natural Language Processing is the capability of computers to interpret, recognise and produce human language and speech. The ultimate goal of NLP and AI is to communicate with machines (computers) using a natural or regular language to accomplish tasks.
6. Computer Vision :
Computer vision is a technique that implements deep learning an pattern identification to interpret the content of an image or a video. Thus computer vision is an integral field of Artificial Intelligence to enable computers to identify, interpret and process the image and video data sets as needed.
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